This is:. cocky, conceited, pompous, pretentious. Canvas bag.
Pakorn:. Well this innocent looking canvas bag is all of the above. It can't and won't be translated by me (it'll get lost in translation) but trust me the attitude is all there. There is nothing ordinary about it! Enjoy--all my Thai readers.
To those that can't read this let's talk about how the Thais recycle.
Man and do they recycle. This bag started its life as an ordinary canvas bag that was probably given out at a convention or some sort of government event. Which is ordinary enough, there was probably such a surplus that they resold/given/stolen/took [most likely at the government cost]. Then some one took such care crossing out the original locations. But left the logo just in case you didn't know where it came from. Then they meticulous sewed on a large pocket that hides about 3/4 of the logo, silk screen this fabulous message on the back which is now the front! I bought this bag for cheap, and I mean cheap, about one dollar... but with so much work and time that was spend on this I would've gladly given them two for their creativity. Heck, did I mention the even sew a slot for pen holder.
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